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Assemblyman Bucco visits Community Options’ Daily Plan-It

Press Release .pdf – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 20, 2013

Assemblyman Bucco visits Community Options’ Daily Plan It

Morristown, New Jersey – On Friday, September 20, 2013, Community Options welcomed Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco to their office, The Daily Plan It, located on Speedwell Avenue in Morristown, NJ. Assemblyman Bucco visited this business that provides employment supports to over forty people with disabilities in an integrated office environment. The Daily Plan It provides small offices and conference space to local businesses at an affordable cost, while using the business as a medium for job training people with disabilities.

Assemblyman Bucco’s visit is the third political figure in recent years to visit this office in support of Community Options services for people with disabilities. In 2008, Congressman Frelinghuysen visited, and in 2011, First Lady Mary Pat Christie also toured the facility. The Daily Plan It has been a mainstay in the Morristown business community since it’s inception in 1999.

During his visit, Assemblyman Bucco was able to meet and interact with several of the participants receiving job training at the facility. He was impressed with the dedication of the staff and the depth of the opportunities presented to the people working there. People are trained on receptionist work, maintenance duties, filing, copying, labeling, mailings, and many more marketable skills.

“Throughout my career, I have been a strong supporter of people with disabilities. That is why today was a great opportunity for me to tour and learn about The Daily Plan It run by Community Options, Inc. They provide valuable services to the business community, while training and employing people with disabilities in an integrated community setting. All the while empowering these men and women with disabilities to benefit from and contribute to society. I think this is a wonderful win – win situation for all the individuals and businesses that are involved,” Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco, LD – 25.

Before leaving, Assemblyman Bucco embraced several of the people with disabilities at the office, letting them know that he was proud of their hard work and wished them continued success on their career paths. He was there to support them in their efforts to live independently and achieve their goals.

Community Options is thankful for the support of Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco.

For nearly 25 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment programs for people with disabilities. Currently the 8th largest non – profit in New Jersey, Community Options operates with a budget over $96 million and serves thousands of people with disabilities through 38 offices across 8 states. Providing advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities, Community Options believes that all people – regardless of disability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice, and self – determination. A registered PVO with USAID, Community Options is also the pioneer of innovative programs for people with disabilities in the Middle East, Russia, and South America. Please visit our website at .