Avid Runner Promoting Wellness by Going the Distance
Avid Runner Promoting Wellness by Going the Distance
50 Year old Man to Run 50 Races in 2009 Participates in Community Options Cupid’s Chase 5K Run
Princeton, New Jersey, February 12, 2009: To raise money for a cause that is dear to him, Bob, a local avid runner will be participating in 50 Races in 2009 at the age of 50, naming this Bob’s 50 @ 50. Bob is hoping to raise $10,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Bob is also recruiting his family and friends to promote wellness through Team Tona. Bob has kicked off similar initiatives in previous years. In 1999, Bob ran 46 races aligning with similar goals.
Community Options, Inc. a Princeton-based, national nonprofit organization will be sponsoring Cupid’s Chase 5K Run on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at Princeton University at 9am starting at the Jadwin Gymnasium. The Cupid’s Chase 5K will be like no other. We will have amazing giveaways, local singles will have the opportunity to find love, and all participants will have the opportunity to order flowers for that special someone through our wireless system offered by Vaseful Flowers and Gifts. All flowers and gifts ordered at the Cupid’s Chase 5K will can be delivered anywhere in the United States the same day.
“Community Options is impressed with Bob’s efforts to raise money for a cause that he believes in, “ says, Christopher Dixon, Executive Director of Community Options. “We are thrilled to provide this venue where people can express themselves, fulfill personal goals and hopefully find love,” says, Dixon.
To register for the Cupid’s Chase 5K Run please visit https://www.comop.org/cupidschase . To learn more about Community Options, Inc. and our cause of developing housing and employment supports for people with developmental disabilities, please visit us at www.comop.org.