Community Options Celebrates Re-Opening Three Homes in Robbinsville
March 28, 2018 | Press Release.pdf
Community Options Celebrates Re-Opening Three Homes in Robbinsville
- Community Options Celebrates Re-Opening Three Homes in Robbinsville
- Community Options Celebrates Re-Opening Three Homes in Robbinsville
- Community Options Celebrates Re-Opening Three Homes in Robbinsville
ROBBINSVILLE, NJ – Community Options, Inc. held a ribbon cutting on March 23 to celebrate the completion of renovations of thee homes supporting individuals with developmental disabilities in Robbinsville Township. The ceremony was held at one of the homes on Robbinsville-Edinburgh Road. Representatives from Robbinsville Township including Council Vice President Chris Ciaccio, Councilman Dan Schuberth, Township Attorney Paul Renaud and others were on hand to help cut the ribbon.
“We are very proud to have Community Options part of our Robbinsville community for more than 25 years,” Municipal Housing Liaison Gail Pfister said. “Robbinsville Township and Mayor Dave Fried are among the Mercer County leaders in providing integrated and barrier-free affordable housing, and we are so pleased to have Community Options as part of our growing family.”
The three projects were completed as a result of a partnership between Community Options and Robbinsville Township, to provide affordable housing opportunities for low income residents with developmental disabilities. The Township provided funding to renovate the homes, including adding a generator, remodeling the kitchen, and installing new flooring and windows. The homes will provide credits towards the Township’s affordable housing obligation.
“I want to thank Robbinsville Township for providing the necessary funding to help make these renovations possible,” said Ida Bormentar, Executive Director for Community Options in Mercer County. “Our partnerships with local governments go a long way in helping us buy, build, renovate and furnish the kind of homes in the community that we want for our own families.”
Community Options is a national nonprofit in its 30th year of serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing residential and employment services. Community Options currently supports over 850 individuals in New Jersey and operates 137 homes.