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Community Options, Inc. received CDBG funds to improve the accessibility for a home in home in Goose Creek

July 11, 2023

Alan Rose and Lindsey Daniel had the pleasure of attending the Berkeley County Council meeting
(Summerville, SC) The Charleston Region was awarded a Community Development Block Grant by Berkeley County. The funds from the grant will be used to make modifications to improve the accessibility for the ladies who live there. Alan Rose and Lindsey Daniel had the pleasure of attending the Berkeley County Council meeting where they were presented with the grant award.

(Summerville, SC) The Charleston Region was awarded a Community Development Block Grant by Berkeley County. The funds from the grant will be used to make modifications to improve the accessibility for the ladies who live there. Alan Rose and Lindsey Daniel had the pleasure of attending the Berkeley County Council meeting where they were presented with the grant award.

View the ribbon-cutting ceremony here

You can see some of the improvements made here

Additional posts with mention can be read here and here