Community Options Will Hold Ribbon Cutting for New Home for People with Disabilities
June 28, 2021 | Press Release.pdf
South Brunswick, NJ – Community Options, Inc will hold a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate its new home in South Brunswick, New Jersey on Monday, June 28th at 11:00 AM.
New Jersey Senator Kip Bateman and South Brunswick Mayor Charlie Carley are both confirmed to attend and speak at the event.
Community Options is a national nonprofit that provides housing and employment to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The new home is located at:
154 Broadway Road
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Four people with disabilities will live at the newly renovated home, including Veronica McLean. Veronica had been receiving residential support through the Department of Children and Families. She recently turned 21 years old and began seeking a permanent housing opportunity for adults. Veronica chose Community Options after meeting several providers with her support coordinator.
“I am really excited to move into Broadway. It is a really nice house, and I am glad there will be a ribbon cutting for it,” said Veronica. “I already picked out my room, and I am excited to decorate it!”
The four-bedroom home was purchased through an affordable housing partnership with South Brunswick Township. The Township provided funding assistance for the down payment and for renovations to add accessible features. Community Options works with municipalities across the State of New Jersey to develop affordable housing for people with disabilities.
“As all of us go through life, we have needs and necessarily rely upon others. The good people at Community Options serve those of us who have more needs and so rely more on others,” said Mayor Carley. “Community Options offers our fellow-travelers the opportunity to live a life marked by freedom and dignity. South Brunswick Township is proud to assist Community Options in its noble mission.”
As the third largest nonprofit in the state, Community Options continues to expand operations in New Jersey. Community Options currently supports 40 people with disabilities and manages 15 residential homes in Middlesex County. Statewide, Community Options supports over 1,200 people in housing and employment supports.
For further information and to RSVP, please contact Dakota Feller at or by phone at 609-951-9900.
About Community Options, Inc.:
For over 30 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment supports for people with disabilities – serving thousands of people from over 40 offices across 10 states. Community Options provides advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities because all people – regardless of ability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice and self-determination. For more information please visit our website: and to follow along with the #AllItTakes campaign, search #AllItTakes on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Veronica is proud to show off her new room. Ramps provide wheelchair accessibility. Phil Lian, Kathryn Bryant, and Robert Stack of Community Options join Veronica in her kitchen. Open space allows accommodations at the residence. Four women will reside at the property. Creating safe safes in the renovated home. Ann Grover, Ken Bierman, Ron Schmalz, and Bryan Bidlack join Veronica McLean outside her new home. All rooms have a sunny view. A family space for meals creates a sense of home. Everyone is on board to cut the ribbon on a new life.