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Diane D’Orazio Receives Leadership Award from New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities

September 27, 2022 | Press Release.pdf

Diane D’Orazio Receives Leadership Award from New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities
Diane D’Orazio Receives Leadership Award from New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities

PRINCETON, NJ – Community Options Regional State Director Diane D’Orazio was honored by the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities with the Daniel J. Keating Leadership Award.

Community Options is a national nonprofit organization that develops housing and employment supports for people with disabilities. As Regional State Director, Diane oversees the organizations’ operations and development in Southern New Jersey.

“It’s with great pleasure that we honor Diane with the Daniel J. Keating Leadership Award,” said Mercedes Witowsky, Executive Director, NJCDD. “She has shown exemplary and compassionate leadership in the disabilities community while protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities.”

The Daniel J. Keating Leadership Award was established this year in honor of Dr. Dan Keating, a lifelong disability advocate and former Executive Director of the Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities. The award honors an individual who has shown exemplary and compassionate leadership in the disabilities community while protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and their families.

“I’ve had the privilege of seeing the impact of Diane’s work and the tremendous role she has had in advancing the mission of Community Options for the last 25 years,” said Svetlana Repic-Qira, Community Options’ Executive Vice President. “Through her efforts, hundreds of people with disabilities are thriving in their community of choice.”


About Community Options, Inc.:

For over 30 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment supports for people with disabilities – serving thousands of people from over 50 offices across 11 states. Community Options provides advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities because all people – regardless of ability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice and self-determination. For more information please visit our website: and to follow along with the #AllItTakes campaign, search #AllItTakes on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.