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Grants aid mobility for seniors, disabled

John R. Roby | article | October 19, 2015 | Article.pdf

Eight public and nonprofit organizations in Broome, Chemung and Tompkins counties will receive a share of $39 million in grants for vehicles to aid in providing services to seniors and people with disabilities.

The grants are from the federal Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program, administered by the New York State Department of Transportation. The program has distributed over $210 million in New York since 1974, and it expanded this year to include funding for capital projects as well as vehicle purchases.

“One of government’s most important responsibilities is to ensure vital services reach the most vulnerable citizens,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement announcing the funds. “This funding will assist community organizations in providing transportation services to the elderly and people with disabilities, and improve their access to food, health care and other essential services.”

Program funds cover 80 percent of the cost of accessible vehicles, related capital equipment and mobility management services. Operating assistance projects are eligible for up to a 50 percent federal share, with the grantee providing the remaining. Recipients are required to submit semi-annual reports that demonstrate the vehicles and other projects are being used for their intended purpose.

A total of 152 New York public and nonprofit groups received awards. In the region, they include:

  • Broome-Tioga County Chapter of NYSARC Inc., ACHIEVE: $121,000 for three vehicles.
  • Community Options Inc. of Broome: $37,000 for one vehicle.
  • Rural Health Network of South Central New York: $85,000 for mobility management.
  • VNA Homecare Options LLC, Broome County: $35,000 for one vehicle.
  • Chemung County government: $182,000 for mobility management and operating assistance.
  • Chemung County Chapter, NYSARC Inc., Arc of Chemung: $104,000 for mobility management.
  • Community Care Network of Nichols (CCNN): $49,000 for operating assistance.
  • Gadabout Transportation Services Inc., Tompkins County: $319,000 for four vehicles, capital projects and operating assistance.