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Roger enjoyed his 58th birthday party

Roger enjoyed his 58th birthday party.

Roger M. is a supported individual in a Penn Hills home. On Monday, he was elated when everyone surprised him with a party for his 58th birthday.

Before Community Options, Roger lived in the South Mountain Restoration Center, a long-term care facility in South Mountain, PA, for about 30 years until January 2011 when he moved into his home. Roger has serious medical concerns including end- stage renal disease, which requires dialysis 3 days per week, and suffers from schizoaffective disorder.  He needs 1-1 staff 24/7 to assure his success in the community.

With Community Options, Roger enjoys many community activities.  On days when he doesn’t have dialysis, he goes into the community with his 1-1 staff and enjoys recreational and social activities. Roger enjoys reading the newspaper, shopping and collecting items such as stuffed animals, bracelets and necklaces.

Pittsburgh, PA