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Running with heart

The Ranger article online | February 8, 2016 By Hillary Ratcliff | article.pdf

Running with heart

Deadline is Thursday for students running in 5K to support people with disabilities Valentine’s Day weekend.

This college is putting together a team of individuals for the first time to participate in the 27th annual Cupid’s Chase 5K run 10 a.m. Saturday at O.P. Schnabel Park, 9606 Bandera Road.

The Cupid’s Chase 5K, sponsored by Community Options Inc., is a national event to support people with disabilities.

The race always takes place the Saturday before Valentine’s Day and was named Cupid’s Chase because Valentine’s Day is a day to spread and show love, said Regional Vice President Chandy Davis of Community Options San Antonio.

The 5K honors disabled people with love and care, Davis said.

Community Options selected 31 cities across the country to host the race. San Antonio is one of five cities in Texas. All cities will have the race on Saturday starting at 8 a.m., 9 a.m. or 10 a.m. on the eve of Valentine’s Day.

Davis has been with the company for 12 years. Out of all the fundraisers, she finds Cupid’s Chase to be the most extraordinary. She said the event helps “put out community awareness,” and described those the event supports as “the fabric of their communities.”

The San Antonio chapter supports 70 people with disabilities. Proceeds from the 5K will help fund their care and activities such as a trip to this year’s Special Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

Of this year’s $4,500 campaign goal, 65 percent had already been raised as of Feb. 2.

The local chapter expects 200 people to participate, including the 70 clients and their families. As of now, 80 to 100 people are registered to race.

Marisa Martinez, intramurals coordinator at this college, said students had asked her about any running events for the semester. As there is no track team here, Martinez found an event that supported a good cause and gave running enthusiasts something to participate in this semester.

“This gives faculty, staff and students the opportunity to participate with a team, especially those who do not want to run alone,” Martinez said.

The registration fee is $15 to join this college’s team, and the deadline to sign up is Thursday.

Students can expect an e-mail with detailed information including directions to the event, waivers and payments.

To sign up, visit the student life office in Room 260A of Loftin Student Center. For more information, call Martinez at 210-486-0129 or email

To register as an individual runner, pre-race applications are $30 or $40 on race day.

For information about Cupid’s Chase, call 210-212-4969, email or visit The Community Options San Antonio office is at 2632 Broadway, Suite 101 North.